Your website
should be making you

Our philosophy is simple: what you need isn’t a website; what you need is a profitable business.

We work with one goal constantly before us, and that is to harness the power of the web to produce results for your business. Whether it is generating leads or making sales, we want the right people to find your site and become customers.

So when we say “it’s not just a website”, we really mean it. We can do so much more than build you a website. We are, after all, business consultants first and web designers second. Yes, we know the web, but we also know business, and that rare combination is the key to our success.

Too many businesses have a great product or service, but are struggling to get clients. Too many businesses have a website that is doing nothing for them. It doesn’t have to be that way. We believe that a business website should be making the business money. We believe that business owners who provide something valuable deserve to thrive and grow.

What Cloud Mountain Marketing
stands for

Our mission is to provide world-class consulting, marketing and software services to businesses that enables our clients to achieve their dreams. This is what we value:

  • Quality & excellence in the work we do
  • Business focus—we are about serving and helping businesses, business owners and entrepreneurs
  • Supporting the personal growth and personal goals of our clients, their employees, our Team Members, and the members of our community
  • Business built on personal relationships
  • To act as a partner invested in our clients’ success

As part of our core beliefs, we believe in abundance.

We believe that we will prosper when we focus on constantly making ourselves better, making our industry better, and making the world a better place.

We will become successful when we help other people become successful, as human beings on this planet, as Team Members within the organization, and as a Company within the global community.

We believe that business is not a zero-sum game. We can all prosper together at the same time. Receiving wealth does not take something away from someone else; rather, it enriches the world. We do not have to “defeat” the other guy in order to succeed.

We are not competing with anyone, because there is no company on the planet that can do exactly what our Team can do. Instead, we are making a difference in the world by serving our clients professionally, and by serving our fellow man personally. We do not need to imitate another company’s success, because we are creating our own.